
Category: Blog

Progress is saying NO to 1,000 things

Progress is saying NO to 1,000 things

Steve Jobs famously said “I’m actually as proud of the things we haven’t done as the things I have done. Innovation is saying no to 1,000 things.”

He was right. You can’t spell “innovation” without “no.”

How to Transition to New Situations and Show up as Your Best

How to Transition to New Situations and Show up as Your Best

Be mindful of transitional moments and choose to show up as your best. Not perfect, perfect is a fallacy. But just reaching for something—more. We have to switch gears very quickly between the roles we play in life. We are switching many many times in a day. Be aware...
What I learned from Horse Leadership

What I learned from Horse Leadership

What I learned from Horse Leadership. A couple of weeks ago I headed down this old highway headed to an event hosted by a business organization I’m a part of. We were going to a place called EQ Insight. It is a ranch that teaches modern leaders about their leadership...
Hollywood Set Design to make you a Star (Part 1)

Hollywood Set Design to make you a Star (Part 1)

Join us as we have designed an effective and fun way to approach our lives and business through Set Design. We give you an awesome way to frame your day, your behavior and your habits, so you can be the Star leading character. Experience set design in a quaint...
5 Steps to handle Hard Things

5 Steps to handle Hard Things

Eps 28. 5 Steps to handle Hard Things We all must navigate Hard Things. If we try to avoid them, they become Frogs. Let’s discuss some easy steps to handle them well and be the coachman of your brain! You think an average of 2,000-3,000 thoughts per hour. Many of...