
EPS 19: What is the story you are telling yourself?

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The power stories have to shape our world—especially the stories we tell ourselves.
  • Why the story you’re telling yourself may be holding you back from your best life.
  • How to identify your story and start rewriting it.

Stories have to shape our world—especially the stories we tell ourselves.

We tell ourselves stories all the time, often about who we are, what we’ve experienced and what we can or cannot do. If we tell ourselves a story enough time, we’ll start to believe it. Words have power. And, the most powerful words are the ones we tell ourselves.

We aren’t usually aware of our stories, or the problems they can cause us. That’s where the real damage can occur. Life is far less about the event that occurs, and more about the story we tell ourselves about the event.

Here’s the true power of stories: if you can change your story, you will change your life! Imagine taking back that power to be able to rewrite your story, rewrite your world. What could you do with that power?

In this podcast, you’ll discover what the story is that you’re telling yourself and why it may be holding you back from your best life. Then you’ll learn how to start rewriting your story and changing your life.

Action Steps:

  1. 15:40: Identify the story that’s holding you back.
  2. 19:00: Rewrite your story to rewrite your life.


“The Power of Positive Thinking,” Norman Vincent Peale