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About Our Guest:
Sue Reynolds, is a certified executive coach, social media marketing strategist, and creator of the Leadership for Women web series. She has a degree in Organizational Leadership and 20 years of experience in the corporate and nonprofit space. She works with a major corporation as well as at the amazing Carmine Media. Sue now oversees a team of social media and content marketers and specializes in mentoring and empowering women to succeed in the workplace.
Connect with Sue Reynolds
Interview Highlights:
Sue talks about how culture influences how women diminish themselves at the workplace and how she helps them improve their communication and negotiation skills through social media.
In this episode, we talk about how as a woman you can stop diminishing your abilities and become a professionally respected leader. Listen in to learn how to professionally handle your emotions, conflict, and criticism at the workplace as a leader.
Pivotal Questions Asked:
- [2:48] How did you get into this type of work?
- [4:48] Talk to us about what you’re doing and why you’re doing it?
- [26:38] What circumstances are women really good negotiators?
- [30:33] Can you talk about what can happen to powerful women in leadership and how others perceive them?
- [40:38] Was there a moment in your life or in your career where there was a giant pivot point for you?
- [51:36] The younger generations that are exerting more leadership early, do you think it’s in them or do you think it’s just a cultural shift that’s happening for us?
- [57:57] What is the problem that you solve in this world?
In This Episode You Will Learn:
- [4:52] How she’s using social media to help women level up their written and verbal communication.
- [6:40] The words that women use at the workplace that make them appear unconfident.
- [9:48] How culture influences how women behave at the office.
- [12:43] Practice how to be aware of when you’re using diminishers and remove them from your language.
- [20:24] Tips on how to negotiate the best terms that match your worth for a job role as a woman.
- [26:45] How women are culturally taught to diminish our abilities on purpose so that we’ll be liked.
- [35:57] Tips on how to handle conflict and criticism as a woman leader.
- [40:54] Sue shares how her life’s perspective changed when she discovered she was gay.
- [48:44] How to unlearn who society says you are and become the woman you want to be.
- [51:54] How culture is shifting and younger generations of women are more open to early leadership.
- [54:38] Learn to seek the truth and source within yourself to be closer to being fine.
- [1:01:12] How to avoid crying at the workplace and instead handle things professionally.
- “I wanted to help women to be their own best advocate.”– Sue [6:08]
- “You can’t change things that you’re not aware of.”– Sue [13:56]
- “We’re great negotiators when we’re negotiating for other people.”– Sue [26:46]
- “Stop looking for an external source of truth for yourself, of definition for your life, of who you’re supposed to be, and seek that source inside yourself and you’ll be closer to fine.”– Sue [55:23]
- “You’ll diminish your leadership if you cry because you’re angry.”– Sue [1:02:13]
Sue Social Handle:
Instagram: @carminemedia
Facebook: Sue Reynolds of Carmine Media
LinkedIn: Sue Reynolds